Dear Friend,

In Acts 2:42-47, the Apostle Luke describes the life of the early church in Jerusalem shortly after the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost:

And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles.And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.

This is one of my favorite pictures of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Bible. It looks to me like a little bit of heaven on earth! Of course the Church of our Lord has not always looked like this.

Sadly, we must confess that often we have been in love with the things that the present generation considers good, and have undervalued the basic building blocks of the church: the pure gospel of our Lord Jesus, a God-centered focus, a devotion to the systematic teaching and preaching of God’s word, strong family relationships, and loving concern for people made in the image of God.

We at Rock Creek are asking our Lord that He would make us into the kind of church we see in Acts chapter two. We know that this is His plan for us and we have no reason to doubt His ability to bring it about. Jesus promised that He would build His church and the gates of Hell would not prevail against it!

On behalf of the membership of Rock Creek Baptist Church I would like to invite you to be our special guest sometime soon. We meet Sundays at 9:45 a.m. for Bible Study, and 11 a.m. for worship (We have a nursery for babies and toddlers but encourage parents to help their children to grow in their love for God and His word by teaching them to sit still and listen attentively in the worship service.) In addition, we have a Wednesday evening fellowship meal that begins at 6 p.m. and Bible Study and prayer at 7 p.m.

If you have any questions feel free to get in touch with us by visiting our “Contact Us” page on the menu above. If we can help you to know our Lord Jesus Christ better or help you in any way, please let us know.

Yours for His Glory,

Doug Helms
Pastor, Rock Creek Baptist Church

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